Tribute Wall
The family of Paul Blais uploaded a photo
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
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Chris Passmore posted a condolence
Saturday, October 5, 2013
So sorry for your loss of LP. Was so shocked and sadenned to hear that Paul had passed. Always a happy go lucky guy. RIP LP
Jim Harris posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Several memories growing up with Paul ( LP). Paul was a very good ball player with great hand/eye co-ordination. Great pool and card player! I loved to compete. My thoughts and prayers to all Paul's friends and family. Paul will be missed.
Duane Chapman posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
I grewup with Paul as a kid we played a game we created called "Chase" about like the game called "Flag"
it consist of a group of guys split into teams of 3 or so and each team
would choose one of the schools in Forest from the cathlic school to the public school and Woodside School touch tag well that is just one memory of "LP" which we called him LP when you met him at anytime would greet ya as a buddy he would be very excited to see ya and talk shop especially if we never saw each other for years we always remained good friends so called neighbourhood friends always he will be sadly missed
Duane Chapman posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
I grew up with Paul just down the road as a kid we did the neighbourhood chumming around etc at time when we were grownups I saw Paul from time to time over the years when 10 years or so went by as time does in each and everyone of our lives paul always greeted ya with a true firm handshake he treated ya with excitment of the long awaited vist and as a buddy the neighbourhood talk shop always put a smile on our faces its sad that one day we do pass on yet the memories we keep of our fallen friends will always be in our hearts and from time to time we all ponder and remember him RIP little buddy
Elyssa posted a condolence
Thursday, September 19, 2013
You were always so good to me. I loved babysitting the boys and had a lot of fun getting to know your family. I'll always remember the smell of your house when you and Trent were whipping up something delicious for dinner! This many years later we always chatted and you were always interested to know how my growing family was doing. Thank you for being kind to me. I know your family will miss you and ill miss seeing you around. Trent, And family, I am very sorry for your loss! Xo
Mark and Debbie Burr posted a condolence
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Dear Leo and Viola: how shocked we were to hear of Paul's passing. How heart broken you must be. Thinking of you at this very very sad time and in the days to come.
Rick & Julie DeWeerd posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Dear Leo and Viola and family So sorry to hear of the loss of your son. We have shared many stories of our families together although I have never met Paul I do feel I know him. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
aj posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Just heard today:
I remember myself and LP playing pool at andy buckems and skipping school, also stealing cherries from the orchards, also when brays variety around thought we could tell our parents we going to let the dog out and not come home 4 2 hrs, also working with paul and he was always there for you at tile yard before burnt down. To viola and family i have alot of us hanging out, me ron livingston, doug marsh, fraser huctwith, and paul, back then we were kids, now we are parents, so I am most sad as when he lived by kernohans we talked whenever we saw each other, and I lost track of Paul, so from my Family u have the deepest condolenses from me.
Ruth Hollands posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
RIP Paul, you will be sadly missed! I only babysat you for a few months, many years ago, but you were a nice boy... even if you did scare me the first night when you sleepwalked. Now you can have a laugh at me in Heaven!!
Don and Jill Ulrich posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Dear Viola, Leo ,Faith, Dylan and Trent Our hearts go out to all of you. We were both shocked and very saddened to hear the news of LP's passing. Over the years, we shared so many good times with LP, before we were parents, when the kids were little and then after they had grown. We took for granted that we had more time, that he would be here longer and now all of a sudden, we are reminded just how short and unexpected life is. We can only hold dear all the many memories that we made together. We laughed often and it is really hard to believe that we won't hear him laugh again. We can only hope that the good times past will help us all get through tough times to come. Much love and sympathy, Don and Jill Ulrich
Bernie&Al Larochelle posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
We send our deepest sympathy to Trent and to Uncle Leo and Aunt Vi.Our hearts are sad for you today RIP to our cousin Paul.....
Ronald and Shirley Johnson posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Sorry for your loss. we are thinking of you at this trying time
Rob Livingston and Family posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Leo and Vi, We send our deepest condolences to you on the loss of you son. You are in our thoughts and prayers, thinking of you.
Ruth Hollands posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
My condolences to Paul's family. I know your hearts are broken, but know that he will always be with you.