Rylee Beecroft

Obituary of Rylee Lyn Beecroft

It is with immense sadness we announce  that our beautiful daughter Rylee Lyn Beecroft was born sleeping and went to be with the angels on January 5th 2022 at 2:16pm weighing 8lbs 4oz and 20 inches long.

Wanted, cherished and loved by parents Sara (Ross-Hill) and Zachary (Beecroft). She will be forever missed by her older siblings Hannah, Lola and Myles (St.Pierre). Honoured by parental grandparents Melissa and Robert (Hill), Trixy (Beecroft) and Steve (DiStefano), Tim (Beecroft). Beloved by aunts and uncles Mat (Beecroft), Jake (Beecroft), Sophie (Kiss), Emily (Ross).

Our worlds are completely shattered by this new reality we call life. We would give anything to have her earth side here with us. This would have been the father's (Zack) first born child and mother (Sara's) fourth child. The cause of death still has yet to be determined, but all that's known so far is her passing was due to a blood clot in the umbilical cord ultimately cutting off her oxygen supply. Although her life was brief she will forever have an impact in our lives and will never ever be forgotten. Until we meet again our guardian angel Ry.

"I carried you for every second of your life, and I will love you for every second of mine."

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